How It Works

Whether you’re coming in with a simple sketch or a well-developed collection of tech packs, we can take any of your existing ideas and develop them into workable concepts. We can also help you refine your concepts and develop your brand.

Here are the steps in the process:

Developing Brand/Concepts - Some of our clients come to us with existing brands and developed concepts, while others are starting from scratch. Because a strong brand is the cornerstone of a successful clothing business, there’s always room to evaluate your existing brand to refine it further. If you’re starting from scratch, you’ll have a bit more thinking to do—and we can help. Some questions to ask at this stage include:

Designing Apparel - A strong sense of brand identity will help guide the design process as we become more selective with ideas with which to move forward. At this stage in the process, we will develop concrete ideas for what types of garments, materials, and processes to use and source specific materials we will need. We will also design hang-tags and labels and create mock-ups and tech packs to send to our manufacturing facility in order to start prototype production.

Prototyping and Samples - At this stage, your ideas are ready to come off the screen and into the hands of our team of industry professionals. We will work with our staff as well as trusted production partners to create prototypes and samples of your apparel designs for your approval. This is the stage in which we work out kinks and confirm all the details before production begins. We have existing patterns for many basic garments, which can be used as-is or modified; we can also create new patterns for you. If you have a particular fit you like, send us your sample and we can grade other sizes from it.

Production - We will oversee the production of your order as it moves through our facility’s process. We pride ourselves on having quick turnaround times and being able to provide personal service to keep you abreast of your order’s progress. When the order is completed, it can be shipped directly to you or drop-shipped to a retailer.